29 April 2008

The monthly Blogger meet and the Egghead broadcast both started at 6pm. Thank Frigg for iPlayer. The Learning Centre was rammed so I’ll need to survey other spots for nomadic coding on campus until this coworking thing takes off.

coworking crawl

Pleased with how the coworking crawl turned out.  A whimsical spark of an idea shot off at short notice, it quickly attracted some hefty support. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone invoked it again in the not-too-distant future.

Kind of a new experience framing these guys as coworkers rather than just dudes I see purely socially with a geeky co-affiliation.  Had to keep telling myself it’s okay to get the head down and spending some time in the coding zone between breaks.  Reading the live-blogging of the day did feel weird and a little self-regarding.  Perhaps I should have left that shit until the end of the day.

After the novelty’s worn off and some good routes have been worn in, maybe this will be an accepted mode of working.  Like a travelling circus it somehow seems more viable than parking in one place.

Took an instant liking to Jibbering Records.  Appealing grunge-bohemian with the most unpushy cafe service I’ve ever experienced.  It was only guilt on my part that propelled me to order a tea at a measily quid a pop.  There was the possibility mooted of adopting the basement as a more persistent coworking space which could be fun.