invent this please

In case anyone feels like making a billion quid and eliminating some pathetic gripes of privileged whiners like myself, here are a couple of things that you could bestow to the world.  No charge.

Flip-up cycle extremities

I don’t need my bike to collapse to the size of a lunch box and I don’t want to hang it up like some kind of piece of theatre but I would like it to take up less space when I bring it into the house.  A quick sizing has the bike frame well under 8″ wide yet the handle bar pushes that out to 23″.  My hallway is 33″ wide.  Visualise, if you will.

If I could unlock and flip the handlebar in exactly the same way as my bike clamp already does then me, my fellow cyclists and all visitors to their dwellings would be spared the merciless paunch poker.  Pedals, likewise.  I’ve seen them on fold-up bikes, dammit, so don’t try to tell me it’s not possible.

Tidy printout scaling

For some reason I have cut-throat airline tickets in mind for this although you only usually need to print off the first page and ignore the dozen pages of terms and conditions for those.  This is the curiously common situation where a printout spills onto the last page by just a single line or two, causing a spasm at the sloppiness of it (to be recycled as eco-guilt later).  Extra points for irony if the offending text is boilerplate ‘Please consider the environment think before printing this email’.  This is the sort of thing that can totally suck the pleasure out of your mid-morning latte.

Yes, I know it’s possible to change the zoom in preview but how often do you do this?  How hard in comparison for the printer driver to optionally squeeze or stretch the text by 10% to make best use of the paper?  Please, make it so and let me find something new to bleat about.  Thanks.

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I am not an economist…

…but I can’t help noticing that it’s a big deal at the moment.  There’s this credit-crunch, global recession, economic crisis going on and we are all Having to Deal With It.  Whether this means roughing it with supermarket beans, camping in the UK or whatever.

There’s the Economic Climate story where everything just happened.  We couldn’t do anything about it.  Best to just ride it out and not try to understand it.

My issue is this:  hubris.  We pretend we understand what is going on, we know how to fix it and have the power to do so.  By ‘we’ I mean, of course, the people charged with sorting it out.

There’s this thing called The Market which by recent consensus is a very good way of generating wealth.  It seems to work without anyone being in charge.  Competition tosses out the inefficient and irrelevant (and maybe immoral in ethically-aware times) to leave the best players, provisionally.  It’s an evolutionary system where much loved brands can go to wall without appeal.  It’s ruthless, continuous and it scales.

And now it’s gone all wrong.

This cues the Reckless Bankers story.  A whole bunch of bankers started making risky gambles on a bunch of clever stuff we don’t fully understand and, what do you know — it all went a bit tits-up.  Banks, unlike hardware stores, can’t be allowed to go under.  They are immunised from market forces.  The bosses walk away with big, swinging bonuses.  They also take the blame whilst the goverments come to save us and bring the good times back.

I don’t buy it.  Here’s my story.

Artificial wealth was created and compounded by layers of unaccountability.  Indeed, it was in no-one’s interest to break the loop.  The initial borrowers wanted the stuff they saw in the media.  The media wanted to advertise the stuff.  The banks wanted to max out their bonuses using lucrative credit.  The government wanted to stay in power by making people feel rich.  The longer it went on, the bigger the hangover.  The bill is now on the mat and it’s too big to hide any longer.  The system can correct itself even at this painfully late stage.

I’d just like to see a little more accountability and comprehension.  I’d also like to know who it is that all this money owed to…

grouping communities

The word ‘community’ is bandied about a fair bit these days and I can’t shake the feeling that it’s a cosy term used lazily.  As an exercise, I used the pseudo-random idea generator in my head to squeeze out some candidates:

© Bruno HEROLD -

© Bruno HEROLD -

I want to know which of these are communities and which are arbitrary groupings.  If you find a definition that works for you, please share.

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spam scan and solution

Did a scan of the Spam folder this morning to see if anything was slipping through the net. Only one false positive (a Flickr notification) but I learnt a lot along the way:

  • Paris Hilton Infested With Cockroaches
  • Paris Hilton Charges For Pussy
  • Cats skinned alive in Alabama
  • What would a “PhD” title do for your resume?
  • Eminem found dead in disco toilet
  • what a stupid face you have here sixball
  • Do not click if you are a loser
  • Strength male voices
  • Vulcan!
  • Blair: Im Not Gay, Thats Just My Accent
  • Afghan bombing kills President Bush
  • Iran Kicks America In The Nuts
  • Iran declares war on Iraq
  • Aliens Abducted By Michael Jackson
  • We caught you naked in the shower sixball
  • Horse kicks Ralph Lauren in stomach
  • Bomb her womb from your huge cannon!
  • Learn backdoor lambada
  • Dog digs grave for owner
  • Real men do not play games, they win!

Inspiration being the green shoot that springs from the mire of tedium, i conceived the perfectly logical (and gleefully impractical) solution to spam.

Spam only occurs because it is economically viable. It’s only viable because of a base of mindless responders. Therefore, for the overall health of the medium and 99.9% of its users, I propose users are regularly challenged to demonstrate mental capability.

Nothing to taxing or frequent. Something along the lines of ‘Budapest is the capital of which european country?‘ will suffice. Anyone who consistently gets questions like this wrong should be ushered onto MySpace where they can be safely accommodated.

art with knobs on

modern art is rubbish

modern art is rubbish

The planets aligned last weekend and we took the chance to take a mad touristic dash around London (why is everyone in London or Edinburgh lately?).

The weather was fab. Some of the attractions, less so.

Walking along the South Bank, the place was littered with ‘living statues’ or whatever the hell they’re called. There’s a gap as wide as the Thames between a professional mime artist and some silver-sprayed knob standing still with their hand out.

And then there’s the Tate Modern. It had a big celebration of Street Art on, advertised by having one side of their ginormous building decorated with edgy pieces in that style. Nice idea but it still felt kind of fake. You knew these pieces were commissioned, that they would peel off in a couple of hours and if you took so much as a stub of chalk to the same wall they’d be down on your creative arse like a ton of bricks.

Anyway, we should have stayed outside. The inside was populated by the sort of vacuous crap that gives modern art a bad name. The only debate that is provoked is how the hell anybody is convinced to buy into this. I think I saw a Pollock that might look nice on our stairwell but then that’s just my whimsy.

Here’s my totally scientific test to determine whether something is art. Remove the artist name and bollocksy interpretation then surround with thoughtless random crap. If the piece doesn’t stand out to a representative sample of humans then it isn’t worth the canvas. It’s a kind of aesthetic Turing test, you see.

new school

A quick work update and banking rant:

Whilst the freelance work has been warming up nicely, it’s not yet enough to live on. So I figured it’s time to slide that to evenings/weekends and return to the world of regular work.

I applied for a couple of jobs back at uni that seemed like good fits.  One was Web Programmer and System Admin based in Maths.  The other was a Teaching Fellowship for Evolutionary Computation and AI based in Computer Science.  I was short-listed for the former but not the latter, based on experience.  Go figure.

I figure the WebDev/SysAdmin post has a bunch of advantages. I’ll be learning lots of stuff that’ll be useful for the future.  I’ll be able to clock off at 5pm and have do wild things like go for a beer without feeling guilty on multiple fronts. Plus it’s a change of scenery, which I always find energising, whilst maintaining a healthy geek quotient. I’m looking forward my 1st Aug start – a Friday!

A change of bank is also in order after getting an unfamiliar “computer says ‘no'” experience less than a week before getting the job offer.  I’ve been with Lloyds TSB for 14 years and put up with mediocre services, ineptitude and clunky systems solely on the grounds that I could point to my record if I needed some extra slack. Toss any banking recommendations in comments.

Here are some recent random photos:

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