dear yahoo mail

I finally got round to importing my Yahoo! Mail into GMail and wrote a ‘vacation’ response so I could finally walk away from this weeping sore of an inbox:


You just tried to reach me at this Yahoo! address and kind of failed. Maybe you found it in an old e-mail folder or scribbled in the corner of a circus poster. More likely, you found it on a list sold to you by a guy who doesn’t punctuate properly but is nevertheless very keen on exclamation marks.  In fact, you are probably just a bunch of stupid and badly-formatted code.

If you are not a robot and you specifically did want to get in touch with me about something then you’ll need to use a little of that human intelligence you keep going on about.  Google my name and sixball and you can’t go far wrong.

This is to Yahoo! Mail: we had some good times 10 years ago when you were the darling of the web and we could overlook the big banners ads and yipping exclamation mark.  I let you hang around until now just because you were friendly with my iPhone.

Now you are just bringing up the same old crap every day and so it’s time to make a clean break.  Everyone is ditching e-mail for social networks anyway (or even Google Wave).  Guess I’ll still see you when I visit your cool relatives: Flickr (cute), Delicious (smart) and Pipes (bendy).
